The Exploration of Womanhood
Exploring the Art of Womanhood is like a wild rose: tangled, sharp, thriving in difficult places, but oh, so lovely, with scents of heaven and an adventure all on it’s own!
How does one even attempt such a mighty immense task? Here are they ways we purpose to do it!
First, our mindset. What does it mean to be a woman, a good woman? We’re taking a step back from the definitions of out times, and taking a good hard look (although we’ll be exploring those definitions, too). The only thing we are starting with that we know for sure, is that we like women a whole lot and believe they have a very important and irreplaceable role here on earth! We expect this to be quite the adventure, this exploration, and beautiful and raw as well.
Here’s the approach we’re kicking it off with:
Including Amazing Women! We wish to include lots of strong women with beautiful minds here by sharing their words and writings. We know, and hope to know more, so many women who have stories are abundant with wisdom, who are seeking to live life on purpose, cultivating beauty and delight! We’ll be sharing the words of Modern Gentlewoman straight from them to you, and we’ll also being sharing our very favorite resources from other places around the web and throughout history! We hope this will also be a way to support women in their own endeavors as they run businesses and blogs by spreading the word, as well as give strong and beautiful women a voice who don’t currently have a platform, but do have much value to share!
We will be sharing inspiration on being - the art of existing beautifully. We’ll be covering all the realms of your queendom - from the inner life of your mind where it all begins (soul sustenance tab) who you are as a woman (feminine aura tab), to cultivating your home (home tab - of all things!), to stories in our ordinary life (abroad). Our greatest desire is that you come away feeling fired up to go and live out your ordinary days well! We hope this will rejuvenate you in being existed to carve out the best life for yourself in your own situation. We hope this will bring more life to your life! The thing is, we all just have one very special one to live. We deeply believe that each woman is called to live a life uniquely beautiful and that fulfillment and success looks different for each one, so we don’t want to try to pressure you into being a certain type of woman the “right” way, but instead support and encourage you in becoming the best you, the very you you’d like to be!
Archetypes of a woman - what has it meant to be a woman throughout time and space? We’ll be bringing archetypes of different women into view, the ones we see as positive and admirable. Mostly this shows itself in writings accompanied with visions in the form of art. We want to see the types of women that artists and cultures of peoples have been inspired by, and let them inspire ourselves in our life today! Part of the goal of The Modern Gentlewoman is to create a culture around what it means to be a woman all in itself - inspired by and for womanhood. We couldn’t ignore the importance of art and literature in this great mission!
One of the key elements of this space is the power of embracing our beauty in every form and cultivating it within our lives. To celebrate womanhood is to embrace beauty. “See the beauty” is our mantra. We are looking into all corner of life in search for it, in our own spirits and faces, in people - kindness, in the everyday thrills that nature affords (the scent of a rose, the dappled light of dawn, dew drops, insects), in music - the song of Beethoven or a morning bird, in kinship and connection with others, in our homes and the space we carve out. This is not to the ignorance or the heartbreak of life, but instead a deeper understanding of it through, and because of, the heartbreak. We are seeking it out in our everyday moments, embracing it and cultivating it into our lives, until our repertoire is so developed and enriched that we are surrounded by it. We aren’t apologizing for embracing it in the way we dress or the things we do.
In another form of celebrating womanhood, we are bringing the very best brilliant minds to our own sort of Book Club. This won’t be a book club in the traditional sense, as in a hefty review of every aspect of the book at hand. Instead, it will be a bit more of sharing the best of, the most brilliant thoughts a book has inspired! An enriched mind is the key to becoming the woman we desire, so filling our mind with the best insight is an essential part of the journey!
We have a grand vision in mind. We want to impact thousands of women around the world in a radical way - in the everyday of their life! We are only granted one precious life and it is comprised of precious everydays. We want to empower encourage, and enrich women in a way that will change their life! Here, we are all Modern Gentlewomen. Imagine if each woman here gently and lovingly passed on support and encouragement to the women around her? If we’re not careful, we just might start a revolution that could change the tide of a generation!
In order to spur such an important endeavor, we want to bring the very best minds to contribute as well as run a business and platform in such a way that will be far reaching, pleasant to use and be apart of, and powerfully designed and supported.